
Do you mint?

For those of you who are planning on taking ahold of your finances in the New Year, I suggest you use the program "Mint". We use it to keep ours in check and it shows us where we spend the bulk of our expenses in cool charts.

There are a couple reasons why this is one of the best budget trackers out there...

You can access it anywhere. Phone, ipad, laptop..etc.

Here's an example of a chart of all the fixed expenses. I repeat, this is an example. We do not have a boat.

It also shows real time updates on how you are improving or not improving your budget. And since your accounts are linked, your transaction at Dillon's will go straight into groceries.

Another great thing is that when you get charged a bank fee, it will let you know so you are safe from otherwise easily hidden fees.

Overall a great program, and it's free. I thought you should know. 

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